The Winter Line Stories

Real-life accounts of the unheralded heros of the Italian Campaign of WWII

The Linesmen


Many necessary functions carried out during WWII were unheralded. Things like ensuring wires were in place and working between the front lines and command posts in the rear is such a function. The historical focus on communications during the war centered on the advancement in radio technology (FM radio was first used in 1941 by the military) and developing broadcasting techniques. Front line Reporters such as Eric Sevareid of CBS submitted live radio reports during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius (near Naples) in 1944. Little or no mention is made of the brave soldiers who, on a daily basis, walked into harms way to lay new wires or repair the ones blown up by German Artillery scant few hours previous. No Wifi in the Italian theater of battle. Just men doing the hard wiring.

This scanned page is taken directly from the original story. The entire transcript of the story along with commentary will be in the published version of "Winterline Stories"

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The Linesmen

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