The Winter Line Stories

Real-life accounts of the unheralded heros of the Italian Campaign of WWII

The Dermatome

Ordnance Crews staging supplies for the Amphibious Landing at Anzio (Operation Shingle)


An Army of hundreds of thousands using every imaginable resource, both natural and created, plus those for war specific needs means lots of stuff. These things require supply, logistics, design, manufacturing and maintenance; both routine and attributable to the harshness of a battle environment. In addition to the principle function of distributing weaponry and ammunition, maintenance of all things functional, from tank turrets to personal wrist watches, the Army Ordnance Corps were capable of keeping the war machine operational with unscripted methods in non-purposeful and makeshift factories.

This scanned page is taken directly from the original story. The entire transcript of the story along with commentary will be in the published version of "Winterline Stories."

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